Saturday, November 3, 2012

People! Subject of Choice

So this weekend Jessie and Levi came over, as promised. I have many photos I'm happy with. I basically had them talk to each other and me and was able to get a ton of pretty good candids, except for the ones that are obviously not candids.. First, le Levi:

Love the bottom one. I told him it could be in a Christian magazine. Not to toot my own horn... :)

And Jessie! Who was challenging because she never thinks she looks good. And she's wrong because she's gorgeous.

None of these are edited except Jessie's first one. The lighting where we took them and the way my camera works made it so that it wasn't absolutely necessary to edit a lot of them.

A few more of my favorites:

So there's that! Photos of people are a lot more fun. Thoughts? :)


  1. Fall and people are a good combo! Great job! Favorites are 1st and 3rd of Levi; 3rd and 5th of more faves of Jessie.....2nd of more faves of both!!!

  2. I've been trying to post a comment on here for 2 days, hopefully this one goes through lol. Love the candid shots! I am again impressed with your growing talent :). Can't wait to see more! Tell Jessie she's a silly girl, she looks beautiful. Time sure does fly. The kids I knew are all grown up! Wow do I feel old! Love you!
