Monday, October 29, 2012


So I'll probably start posting photography on here since I don't want to put it on facebook. Some feedback would be nice! But not too rough. I only just started. :)

UO campus. These are edited, obviously. I liked the colors and the feeling of Fall! I thought about making the bottom one look a little more creepy, but since the first one is pretty edited, I wanted to make the bottom one look a little more natural. I'll add the originals if anyone wants to see them. It was a pretty cloudy, gloomy day.

Different kind of edit.


  1. You have a great eye. Beautiful pics, and what a beautiful campus! Can't wait to see more as you become more familiar with your camera. Good job Cait!

  2. Well first off, I read your class comments, Whaaaaat? you are way to smart. Time to come home and stop all that gobble de goop! Just Keeeeeding! Now photography, I am not the expert that Naner is, but if I were judging as a lay person buying pictures I would want all of these. As Naner says it is all in the ability to see color, shape, form, context and the abstract. I may have left some of that out but she can tell you. It is good to have a pastime outside of the academy. Diversion such as photography and other art like acting or drama is also good. I used to have a grandaughter who was into that, but she changed to premed. Love you girl.
