In this age of technology where the newest and rising addiction is one's laptop and other essential forms of computerized communication, I've decided to create a blog. Several reasons spawned this new project; my love of writing and lack of freedom to write anything beyond a ten to fourteen page coma-inducing lab report, updating my apparent lack of enthusiasm for giving everyone daily updates of my life, which my generation lives for, and, of course, keeping in touch with family about my ever-exciting life adventures. So here we go!
Currently, life is slightly less than exciting. I am living in Vancouver with my grandparents and great-grandma. It's a pretty relaxed atmosphere around here. I've read seven and a half books (Including The Hobbit, The Hunger Games series, and a couple of nerdy science books), watched countless movies, and have promised myself that I would start exercising maybe five times, and each time I've thought "maybe tomorrow." However, please don't think I'm a lazy sloth, though I am lazier than I care to admit. I swing dance every time I get the chance and I am always up for a run or a bike ride if someone comes with me and makes sure I don't back out.
On September 14th I will be moving into an apartment in the Ducks Village complex in Eugene with my boyfriend, Connor, and our best friend, Kyle. Before I get an influx of comments telling me it's not okay to move in with my boyfriend, questioning my decision, let me rant. Connor and I will have separate rooms, paying rent for these separate rooms. We are living together out of convenience, and we are obviously excited about it. I would say my values are "liberally conservative/conservatively liberal" so I have no problem living with him, in separate rooms. Yes, we'll irritate each other. Yes, we'll argue. Maybe, we'll fight. But that's just the nature of living with another human being. Chill, guys. :)
I'm in the process of applying for a summer research position in New York. I'm feeling pretty good about it. If anyone is interested in editing my personal statement or resume, feel free to let me know! I'd like everything to be perfect for this application.
This blog is for those of you who'd like to read it occasionally, as well as for myself. I've never been good at keeping a diary, but I love to write down my thoughts! Read it or don't, feel free to comment, and enjoy my drama. ;)
P.S. Let me know if the theme/color of the print make it too hard to read.